jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Blog VIII (Last blog!!!!!!!!!!): Essay About English Learning Experience.

English is undoubtedly one of the most popular languages around the world, in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and America. The ability to speak English opens the doors to the world, is a requirement to leave our country, Chile, and it is also a very beautiful language.
The university has given us the opportunity to learn English, but I believe that I haven't learned something useful and good: if I were to speak now with a gringo I will not understand (nothing).

One of my greatest desires is to learn to speak English, but learn well. I would like to understanding what to say those who speak this language, and once understood his message, I would like to have the opportunity to respond, that is, I like to interact with them, so that both of us we could learn.

When I listen recordings of speakers of English I understand very little, and this has me somewhat worried, because I have studied this language by ten years aproximately and it seems that I don't progress, quite the contrary, seems to step back in my learning. I hope not to be a hopeless and learn this language some day.

But I think not just me who has trouble with English, many of my classmates also. When it comes to evaluations, we all get very nervous, and this produces the results of our assessments are not the best. What can we do to learn English? I know that we are completing this course, but I think it is worth saying that one of the important things to learning English is to feel an interest for the language.

We may conclude that English is a necessary tool for logara out into the world and become better professionals, but we must devote much time and effort, since it is not an easy issue.
English should be considered mandatory, but to make this language should be used to learn new strategies to attract more attention to students, and to involve them more in class time. The use of techniques such as "karaoke" can help to student to learn english, a complicated language for us.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Blog VII: Free Post: Music, my guitar and me.

When I was 16 years old, I recieved a beautiful present: my brother gave me a guitar! Wow, it was a very important moment for me, because I love music and guitars.
When I have time to play guitar, I try to feel the sound, I enjoy it. The problem is when I can’t play my guitar, for differents reasons: visits for example, or when somebody has a big headache in my house: I should resist the temptation!!!!.

The first song that I learned to play in my guitar was “Solo crees por primera vez”, a song of Lucybell, my favourite chilean band. I remember that it was in a afternoon of November (or December... I can’t remember very good). The idea is that it was at the end of year, a special day.

Play guitar is very difficult, overall because I have never had classes of guitar (sad :( ).

Who invented the guitar?

The guitar is a stringed instrument like any other, but it seems that it has no definite origin. The guitar is played around the world and different musical styles have born of this instrument, as folk music, pop, rock, cuecas, including cumbia! Who has not seen a guitar in a show? It is practically impossible to think that a guitar is not used in a presentation.

Guitars are very special. I think it is the most used instrument in the world. Although I like other instruments like the accordion, violin, piano, my guitar is my favorite.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Blog VI: Brain and Learning

Hello, this time I will speak about Pedro Maldonado`s talk:

Last Tuesday, we had the oportunity to be in a important presentation for our lifes, I speak about myths of brain, a very interesting topic for the world. One of the parts more important for me was when the expositor, Dr. Pedro Maldonado, spoke about “specials powers” of the brain. Sadly, he did a very short reference about it. I remember that he was trying to explain one neuromyths: we only use the 10% of our brain, and the 90 % is a “mistery”. If we use this 90%, we can develop special powers.
Wow!!!, can you imagine your brain with speacial powers???????? For example, telepathy... I can`t, It is too good for be true.

I have read about people that say have this powers, and makes videos to demostrate it, shows, etc., only to give a surprises to people.

In my opinion, I think that we have this powers. The problem is that we don't develop this capacity. I think that we can use it, but we, as human, are incomplete. We should be best everyday, thinking that we can use this capacities for help the world.

Other myth is about famale and male brain... do you think that brain between men and women is different? The answer is negative. Brain is the same in men and women, but always we have thought the opposite. Afortunatly, men and women have the same brain... Can you imagine different brains between women and men?

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Blog V: Abortion 2.0

Hello, this time I would like to speak about the interesting Doctora Binfa’s exposition:

Last Tuesday, Doctora Lorena Binfa spoke about the situation of abortion in Chile. In general, the presentation was a brushstroke of the topic. The idea is to invite us to investigate in the area, because abortion will be an important topic in our future life.

Abortion, in general terms, is a big problem to many countries, specially, by birth rates. In Chile, it is not the case. Here, we can see how female population cries to have the power to decide about what do with the fetus’ life. Also, contraception is other important topic here. Do not forget that church involves a lot in government decisions.

From my point of view:

Population has the capacity to decide about own problems, but for me, abortion is not an issue on which to intervene: we can’t play with life, we can’t decide to other life.

In my opinion, we must be able to understand that life is not a game, not an option: we must know how far we can decide for the life of another, but not limited to stamp it out.

For now, I think we are far from reaching a consensus on policies related to reproduction and sexuality. We are a country which does not like to witness the reality of things, always dodge the truth of things. This is the problem we must first fix, find the real problem.

Abortion is a topic to discuss for a long time.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Blog IV: Stress

Hello, this time I will speak about “STRESS”, an awful problem for everyone:

Well, we know that this last years have been very specials: people are more irritated, overall by job, house’s problems, school, etc. Today, only we have time to stress. It’s bad: all things that we do are a failure.

Numbers shows that aproximately the fifty percent of the people of the world have had stress symptoms in a moment of their lifes (specially if they are associate to some of this topics: job, school problems, salary, family problems, etc.).

Many people have never thought that stress is a important social problem. For this, we should to find stress tipical symtoms: sleep problems, family problems, for example. The idea is preventing other worse consecuences.

For this reason, a lot of professionals are working to help in this problem, overall us: healt professionals. The test is awful, we are trying to do something very difficult: reduce stress indices in the population.

In others countries, healt professionals have helped to reduce this indices, with the diagnosing early to people with stress problems. For this, we study very hard in Chile.

We can not forget the goverment work about stress. The state and health ministry have been working in this topic for a long time. For example, integrating recreational time within working hours, leaving more time to spend with family, reducing the departure times, among others. The idea is create an harmonious society, more quiet:The idea is create a beautiful country, with “relaxed people”.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Blog 3: Emergency Pill

The emergency contraception pill is a very complicated topic in our country. Many women want to choose what do with her life, but always we can see problems about this decision. All the time church has an idea about the life an abortion. For example, some year ago we saw how women were protesting: we can do with our bodies and life what we want! Church won’t be a minute in say that contraception pill means: go against life, and life is a God’s present. Government has never referred to this topic, to avoid the answer of people.

In my opinion, from my point of view as a future midwife and actual student, I think: this pill isn’t an abortion pill, because it acts before the conception (I hope to be in the correct idea).
If we spoke about the Valenzuela’s paper, we would say that the situation is similar, but the discussion isn’t about the abortion effects, unless that they discuss about the pill’s effects during the fertile days (but, better we continue speaking about the previous topic).

To arrange the previous situation, we have to know that everybody in this world is a different person, and we will never be able to reach an agreement. The topic is complicated, because this one involves topics more confused: moral, religion, beliefs, manners, things that is very difficult to change. We must to put much of our part, leaving the prejudices of side, and respecting the opinion of other one; only this way we reach an agreement.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Blog II: Free Post: Music

This time I would like to speak about music:

Always I have believed that music is very necesary to live in this world. Music seems a drug…. Yes, the drug most bought!
Now, for example, I listen “Crazy”, an Aerosmith’s song. It’s great! Elena, a friend went to see this band. She says the show was incredible.
I think the commercial music is very funny, and I enjoy to listen it. The last commercial that I remember is of Arcor: In It we can listen the song “love hurts”, of Nazareth (when I watch the man sings, I can’t stop to laugh).

All my family enjoys to listen music, over all if we speak about dancing music. We downloaded music from Internet every weekends: we know that is bad, illegal, but the temptation is stronger (forgive us God, we can’t stop).
We think that buy a cd music is very expensive, compared with download free music in our hous. It is sad, but true: music is good, but expensive. We prefer: “fall in temptation”.
To finish, I would like to speak about the chilean music: this topic is very confused in our country, principally because we believe that this music is a copy of the american music, and, I don’t know if it’s right, but we should give an oportunity to our music: We should prefer music “made in Chile”, but we know that in likes, nothing is written.

I love music, I love this topic. This blog was very interesting.